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Prefab and Modular Tiny Homes

What is Prefab Construction:

Are you dreaming of building that extra space on your property? Say a gym, a rental unit, or a home office?  Many people in Seattle are taking advantage of the city’s relaxed zoning laws that make it easier to develop on single-family lots. If you live in one of the neighborhoods designated as an Urban Village, there is a good chance that the city wants to entice you to develop your property. 

Where to Start?  Find your inspiration by exploring prefabricated DADU designs online.

Prefabricated, Modular, Kit homes are a fast-growing DADU trend because of their streamlined construction process.   Prefab home components are built off-site and shipped to their final destination for assembly. A building that only needs to be assembled on-site is an expedient, simplified, sustainable, and cost-effective way to construct a building.

The Modern Prefab

Drifting into the rearview mirror is the negative perception that has loomed over prefabricated construction for decades. When you start browsing the internet, you will see that today’s prefabricated homes do not look mass-produced or cheap.  A growing number of small manufacturers worldwide are popping up with aesthetically appealing, high-quality DADU and ADU designs.

Design Flexibilty

Multiple manufacturers of prefabricated construction use designs that are modular, which lends itself to individualization.  Options for customization are limited but choices are still abundant.  For those who are not architects, modular construction is a fun and accessible way to design a home. 


Modular construction can appeal to a wide range of budgets. Costs and fees are upfront, and pricing is transparent. Kit home manufacturers have fine-tuned their processes financially and procedurally, resulting in savings to the consumer. Experiencing the rodeo a few other times, these manufacturers can firmly layout costs and schedule. It’s easier to go forward with these factors pre-determined. Also, the shorter construction time has obvious financial and emotional benefits too!

Better for the Environment

In addition to its streamlined processes that save on materials and energy, these homes are typically considered sustainable. A result of pre-manufacturing most of the tiny home’s components in a controlled environment is accurate construction. Tight construction from the onset is the foundation for cost-saving energy efficiency into the future.

Ready to Move Forward?

Tell Us About Your Project?

    To get your search started, here are a few inspirations.

    Modern Shed

    Storage, fun, space, and architecture in your backyard.

    KangaRoom Systems

    The Solution for Upsizing or Downsizing